We can have a healthier, more equitable future...

We, our neighbors and our children deserve it. Here’s one way we can bring that better future a bit closer. Green Buildings Now is a coalition of faith organizations, climate justice groups, civic organizations and individuals. Join us in promoting social justice and climate resilience by addressing the urgent task of eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. We are supporting community leaders who are creating a resilience hub in the Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle.
“I want to be a better ancestor.This Green Buildings Now initiative empowers all of us to work together to plant seeds of clean energy use for future generations, one building at a time. Let’s respect, protect and preserve our created world and all the creatures in it.”
The South Beacon Hill Resilience Hub has set a goal of removing fossil fuels from the four buildings on the campus of Bethany United Church of Christ. These buildings house neighborhood organizations that promote early childhood learning, healthy food access and racial equity. Your donation will help weatherize the buildings and install clean electric energy systems such as heat pumps. Together with a solar power array and battery storage funded by other sources, these systems are keys to a non-polluting, climate-resilient emergency hub and community service center. A successful project will mean cleaner air and lower utility bills for Resilience Hub partners led by people of color.
“This is an era of transformation. This is generations of work. If no one has ever invited you to the climate movement, please consider this your warm welcome. And if no one has ever thanked you for your efforts, please hear our gratitude. You are important to this moment; you are so needed.”
—Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson, All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis